Sunday, October 21, 2012

oh crickets..

So we have this issue at the house we are renting.. A large colony of crickets are finding their way inside now that the weather is becoming chill! I can't stand it, and I don't think the husband likes it much either! That is because I yell and scream the word "CRICKET" every time I see one! It HAS brought us many laughs I will say.. Seeing John swat and miss over and over cause they hop around so fast! Not to mention they like water... Yeah WATER, so every once in a while ill be minding my own in the shower when all a sudden I find a little jiminy cricket checking out the view from below! Dear little crickets find another home to invade. I'm sick of you!

Monday, October 1, 2012

oh sweet monday..

Well I love me some weekends! I get to spend time with my lovely hubby and all my wonderful family and friends. Then there is Monday-Friday.. You see I have this job and it's called a cake job! :) Where I get to play with two precious babies all day and get paid! I'm a nanny for a 18 month old girl, and 9 month old baby boy! They light up my day with their bright smiles and bubbly personalities! I wouldn't necessarily call it an easy job at times, especially now that they're both mobile. I have a very fast walker/runner and a itty-bitty crawler who likes to pull up on just about anything he can get his hands on! They certainly keep me on my toes and not to mention we go up and down many flights of stairs daily.. I get my workout that's for sure! I guess you can call me a lucky gal.. work is fun and it makes me smile! Till next time..

xo- brit  

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