Monday, April 3, 2017

This little Tribe of mine

Meet my little tribe, Heidi and John Thomas. They are 13 months apart. 

They have been inseparable from the beginning. 
The excitement they get when they see each other every morning is just the cutest thing ever. 

I didn't realize how much fun having two so close together would actually be!
I have constant dejavu of like...wait this time last year I'm doing the exact same thing except with my second sweet baby.

But the best part of it all, they are both now in the exact same size diaper. WINNING!!

Yes, there are days that I forget to eat breakfast or even brush my teeth.. but I manage to survive! 
These two have us in tears at their crazy ways. They will make each other so happy one minute..and the next will be complete chaos as they fight over Donald the duck or the worst yet..
The ever so loved snack cup..Always seems to be in the middle of church too.. I'm telling you, it never fails. Goldfish will be flying! 

So we are starting to get lots of looks when we go out..We literally need two of everything!!

And I feel like I'm constantly apologizing to the poor old couple behind us for the toys falling over the church seats, or the puffs getting crushed on the floor of church.. haha these are the days my friends. 

Any other momma's feel the relation?! 

My Tribe  

Sweetest Daddy ever 

Not sure how both my babies ended up with blue eyes, but I'll take it. 

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