Wednesday, April 26, 2017

11 months // gross motor skills


Well if we aren't celebrating a birthday in the month of April... We're planning one! 
Our little guy is already 11 months old. yikes... before long he will be toddling around just like his big sis.


John Thomas is a tad behind on his gross motor skills compared to most 11 month old baby boys. He is absolutely soaring in all other categories. He just doesn't want to use his leg muscles to the full potential. We have really been working on standing him up throughout the day to practice cruising around the furniture. Encouraging him to use his legs to bend/pick up toys from below him. 
I can tell he wants to stand and walk so bad. I believe he is just late to do most things, he didn't roll over until almost 8 months.. Thats really late. So I'm keeping the faith, I know he will do it when he is ready. He is under review until 12 months. 

His pediatrician will re-evaluate his progress and see how he is doing with it. 

One more month to work so hard building up those legs.
I pray it will come with time for him. 


He is so totally a Momma's boy.. Not even kidding. Heidi loved me, but this BOY loves me!
He wants his momma's hip through the day & at night especially.
His nursing game is still going strong. Even through the night, and sometimes twice at night ..erghhhh

I'm totally soaking it all in though. It seems after they turn ONE it's all so fast from there. 
I have a feeling that this summer will look a little different than last summer. 
Hopefully, I'll have TWO babes toddling and running around. 


I haven't finalized the FIRST year birthday party theme, but it most definitely will be a big shaaaBANG for sure. 

SO many ideas for a baby boy.
Happy 11 months John Thomas. 
Mommy loves you sooo..

Can we talk about this boys looks? I'm thinking tall, dark, and handsome. + those baby blues oh my!  

such a stud muffin like daddy




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