Friday, July 7, 2017

weekend prep

Happy Friday sweet friends. We had an exciting end to this holiday week. First, John surprised us with the day off yesterday. We went to one of our favorite spots to brunch, Puckett's. I love nothing more than a good brunch, especially when it's with these sweet people of mine! 

coffee + him

Coffee to go. Errands as a family. Nothing better. 

he never wants to smile for the camera. ever 



On Friday we ventured to Nashville to spend part of our day in 12 South with my sister-in-law and her kiddos. The babies had a blast at the park and we finished strong with popsicles from the one and only, Las Paletas. It was such a fun day. 

Sweet boy loved his Momma's popsicle.

And I know what you're thinking.. Yes, I have basically worn that same hat for the last 3 consecutive days straight. 
the roots are real around here. 

The kiddos + their popsicles

I told ya'll we would be downing a ton of popsicles this summer.

We're ending our Friday with a ride around the land and MORE ice cream from their Aunt Abba. 

We are ready for the weekend. 

XO Brittany 

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