Monday, July 24, 2017

lake trip//part two


lake trip // part two


First off, I could watch Heidi and her Daddy play all day lonnng. It makes me the happiest Momma in the world seeing these two love the way they do. It melts my heart. The older she gets the more of a Daddy's girl she becomes. 

I think these pics have become my favorites of them, ever

John Thomas took his very first boat ride. He didn't show a ton of emotion, per usual. But I think I spy a thumbs up, so I'd say he liked it!? 

they look the same size here.. crazy

The weather was PERFECT the rest of the week. We had tons of fun on the water.
The babies took a nice long afternoon nap, which meant Mommy+Daddy time. 
We sure needed it.

On Wednesday we packed up and headed south. Just a tad south, to his parents house. 
We stretched out for a bit and chowed down on lots of pizza. We played with family and got ready for the final stretch home to Tennessee. 

You can find me in the back seat. Believe it or not, I still had to bend over backwards to nurse this little fella a few times. 
back cramps galore.. carseat nursing for the win. 

we finally arrived to Dee and Papa's for the evening, time to play + run.

you know it's summer when you're drinking from a hose, barefoot! 

There is a happy face boy! He loves to be outside. Especially being pushed around in a wagon.

Thursday came, and we headed back to the car for a bitter 10 hour drive home! 

I felt it was necessary to wear my HOME Y'ALL shirt back to TN. 

life at the lake is good, but 
it's great to be home. 

XO Brittany 

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