Wednesday, July 5, 2017

july 4th weekend fun

We celebrated the 4th of July a few days early with sweet friends and family.

 It was the perfect day to be at the pool. Not just any pool. We were invited to the best pool party around. We felt like we were taken on a mini resort-style vaca for the day. 

We had such a FUN time. The weather was perfect, the water was just the right temp, and the babies had a blast, (mom and dad had fun also).

This was Thomas's first time ever in a big pool. Last year he was a tiny one, so we didn't put him in. 
He loved it, but he liked laying with Mommy the most of all. 

I have yet to shop for a bathing suit that fits this post-partum, lost all the baby weight + way MORE, breast feeding body. Like where did the booty go? I tried on one of my old suits that fit not long ago, and it was not pretty. I kind of felt like a 12 year old.. But that's okay, could be worse.
I'll be on the search for a new suit soon.. With two big vacations coming up. I'll have no choice. 

We had to drag Heidi out by the end of the day. This was the first time she was old enough to actually play and "swim" with the help of her Daddy and Papaw. 

When we first got in she was terrified of that gigantic giraffe float. Like terrified!!!!! I just knew we wouldn't be there for long, she finally warmed up to the idea of it just floating around the pool, that it wouldn't attack her.. The cow she was totally cool with. It didn't bother her a bit. Just Mr. Giraffe!

Daddy saving her from the giant giraffe 

Heidi's cute suit is from h&m. thanks to her Aunt Abba.
She had the holiday spirit in her red, white and blue. 

My Momma and I relaxing poolside, watching the kiddos play. She was rocking one of her grand babies to sleep. Such a baby whisperer.

We had such a sweet time at the pool. 

On the actual 4th we took a road trip to AL to visit family for the day. John had to work but we still had a sweet visit with our family.

We made it back home in time for a ranger ride with Daddy, plus lots and lots of really LOUD fireworks.
Thank heaven for sound machines. 

pardon the humid mess on top of my head. I could see the birds thinking of nesting in it while taking this pic.  
 this little guy squeezes out of my arms constantly, but still not walking.

Have a great week and Happy 4th from the Minelli Tribe.

XO Brittany 

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