Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas

Hi friends! We have had a slight computer/internet dilemma the past couple weeks. I've tried publishing several blog posts and it just didn't happen! So let me update you on all that's been happening the past several weeks!! 


We had the best Thanksgiving with family. It was the perfect day, and after what seemed like being stuck at home with a million colds, the whole family felt well and for that I was extremely THANKFUL! 
We have a lot to be thankful for, but this year I was most Thankful for the health and happiness of my sweet babies!

 Thanksgiving night they were pooped!


We set out on a fun family hike following our overly stuffed Thanksgiving meal the night before! It was such a nice change of scenery and so refreshing. Plus the kiddos had the best time leading the way.


A little bit of shopping + decorating our tree.. Anyone else have an unlimited of supply of cardboard boxes floating around their house. We look like Amazon crazy people..

My little ELF helper. I  L-O-V-E  how involved she is this year, it's going to be so sweet! 

XO, Brittany 

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