Monday, December 11, 2017

Santa's Trees | Christmas Pictures

Happy Monday y'all! Today I'm sharing our family photo session from Santa's Trees at 12 South in Nashville. My very sweet, talented friend Arika, did the greatest job EVER capturing the PURE magic on all of our faces! We got started bright and early to have the best lighting, and it was a tad bit chilly so we bundled up good!! I knew I wanted a very casual, laid back look for this years Christmas card. I was so thrilled with them, and now I cannot keep from over posting on insta and everywhere else! I just love this time of year, my family is my everything

We also may have bribed the babies of Five Daughter's Bakery that just so happened to be right across the street from our picture taking location! Everybody wins!! It was a fun morning of pictures and doughnuts.

I hope you all have a great Monday, I'll be addressing Christmas cards, catching up on laundry and possibly last minute online shopping. 

xo, Brittany 

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