Thursday, July 27, 2017

grilled chicken / quick and easy

grilled chicken every way you can think

Around here there isn't much time to spare around lunch hour. It's like all of a sudden my kiddos see me in the kitchen preparing lunch and they are suddenly starving, like they want it NOW

Thinking of QUICK, healthy meals can be oh so tricky. 

 I'm just not a Pb&j kinda girl. I can have it every once in a while, my children on the other hand would eat it daily. Me not so much.. And I can only take so many grilled cheese sandwiches. 

During the summer we grill chicken on the reg. It's fast, delicious and the kids love it too. They will eat several tenders per meal. We got soooo lucky in the FOOD department with our children. Thank you Lord! When we grill in the evening we like to grill an abundance of chicken. We always have plenty for lunches the following day.

a few of our favorites

+grilled chicken quesadillas (shredded cheese & I throw spinach in and they have no idea) Mom win right there! AHHH!

+grilled chicken & rice (sometimes I add squash or zuchinni)

+grilled chicken tacos (black beans, cheese, diced tomatoes)

+grilled chicken wraps(tortillas, corn, sometimes black beans, shredded cheese, sliced avocado with a tad of Marie's ranch)

+grilled chicken sandwich (I lightly toast wheat bread and put a slice of cheese, pickle + a little mayo)

+ grilled chicken and steamed brocolli (sometimes i sprinkle in a little parm cheese.)

+grilled chicken and noodles. (i sprinkle in olive oil and sea salt for yummy tasting noodles)

I hope this gives you an idea for everyday lunches.
It's always nice to change it up. If y'all have any tips for lunchtime let a Momma know.


I even have friends who like to take salads to work. Eating healthy on the go doesn't have to be hard. Try this for a tasty, healthy lunch at home or work.

easy grilled chicken salad:

grilled chicken + green pepper + lettuce (the greener the better) + tomato + shredded moz cheese + Marie's dressing. 
Marie's has the best dressings. My favorite is avocado poblano.
You can find it in the produce section. It's a much healthier version. 

does this not look so much better than the average pb+j day?

 so good, & good for you.
I'm all ears for your favorite grilled chicken dishes. 

xo Brittany 

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