Monday, June 12, 2017

Weekends in Nash // life lately

We have really been living it up on the weekends lately. A night out two weekends in a row is very unusual for us.
 We have had a busy city these last few weeks. CMA fest and Stanley Cup Finals have Nashville jam packed with all the kinds of fun. SO much FUN!! 

We were able to catch a rooftop concert by Luke Bryan before heading into the arena for the big game.

Ever since I was a little girl my parents would get season tickets for the Nashville Predators.. And this year they have made it farther than they've ever before. 

My sweet Dad has been so kind to let us in on all the fun lately. What's even sweeter is my Momma, who has been able to watch my babies so I could participate in all the fun. Just all around FUN for everyone. 


We also celebrated one of my childhood friends and her soon to be baby last weekend! It was a fun time with all the ladies. Bring on all the tiny babies. I have several friends all expecting around the same time. It's going to be a fun, busy year!

Have a happy Monday! 

XO Brittany 

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