Tuesday, June 6, 2017

summer photo session

We finally got around to taking family pictures. It has been almost a year since we had them professionally done. John Thomas was a newborn as a matter of fact! I think we were well over due for more. 


With Heidi just turning two, and Thomas' big FIRST birthday we thought this would be the perfect time for a little photo shoot. I never want to forget these precious times. The babies are growing so fast, and changing each and every day. 

We used my good friend from high school, Kendra. She takes such great pictures. She can really capture all the fun faces and expressions of the babies. All while keeping the photo  simple, bright and airy. Just how I like it. 

I was so nervous how they would both do for pictures. Y'all know the struggle to get both babies to look at a camera, much less SMILE. 

 my handsome boys

A game of pat-a-cake to lighten the mood

she felt like such a big girl on this swing

 I'm counting my blessings. 
Have a great week everyone. 

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