Tuesday, May 30, 2017

our boy is one

We have a ONE year old baby boy. So weird to say that, i'll be calling it twelve months! That way he doesn't sound so big! But look at his little belly poppin' out of his shirt. I love it.

We had such a busy week and weekend. John Thomas turned ONE on Thursday. Friday we had his twelve month doctor visit, and on Saturday we had a big first birthday party for him. 

It was so very busy busy, but I had lots of awesome help. As simple as I said I was going to go with his first year party, I was still running around like a crazy Momma before it began. I always do that!

getting love from his Great Grandmommy

Thankfully I had some help to pull all the fun details together for me. Two minds are always better than one. Plus three or four is waaaaay better. 

So clearly we decided to go with a fishing theme for Thomas's party. We have tons of fishing gear around and I can't help but think my boy is going to love the outdoors just like the rest of us. 

His Daddy LOVES to fish.

I had my man clean out the tackle box and he delivered. We put bait, reels, and bobbers in mason jars. My go to way of displaying anything!! 

It turned out so great. 

My Mom makes the cutest canvas banners, we used this one for a sweet display, i'll hang it in his nursery to go along with his rustic, outdoor theme nursery after the party comes to an end. 

Onto the smashcake. We decided to bake our own, and you could probably say we won't be getting a call to bake any cakes for anyone else...like ever
It tasted good and that's all that mattered to my boy. 

As soon as we walked outside (let me remind you of the TN humidity this time of year) the icing started running off the sides of the cake. Immediately! We thought outdoors would make for cute pictures. And it sure did!!

He was in sweets HEAVEN. He said YUMM for the first time ever with that first lick of icing.
Everyone laughed so hard. He was in awe. Even Heidi and her cousin snuck in for a taste. 

smashcake aftermath

I'm so very blessed to have this boy as my own. He has taught us a lot this past year. 

little boys have a way of stealing our hearts. 
the way he loves is all i'll ever need from him

Happy First Birthday John Thomas 

XO Mommy 

shop our party supplies

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