Monday, April 10, 2017

Heidi turns two

Well the day is here my friends. My first sweet girl is finally two! In just a blink of an eye she just decided to grow up and have yet, another birthday! Slow down sweet one.

And of course she looked 10 million times bigger when I got her from her crib that morning.

She doesn't really know what to think of the Happy Birthday song..

I greeted her with it, and she gave me a big grin! I could tell she thought I was a tad crazy!

We pretty much sang to her all the day long. 

Her birthday this year was on a Thursday, so we decided it would be fun to take her to the cutest little toy shop ever. It's in an older house in the little charming town of Nolensville.

Heidi was seriously in heaven, she started rambling in her own happy language and when she would pick up a toy her voice would reach the highest note possible. More like a squeal. She's seriously the best thing in this universe. 

I was so depressed that she was turning TWO.. I don't want her to grow up. I know that's all normal Momma feelings. I'm really trying to embrace the moments that are here. Each stage is new and fresh. She really is such a gift to us. I know everyone says it, but my life would be lost without this girl in it. 

She makes me the happiest mommy in the world. 

She has us all wrapped around her finger. We just follow along to the beat of her little loud drum

I say she is ours.. but in all reality, we are hers!! 
She owns us. Basically! 

Oh happy day sweet Heidi James! You are our prized jewel, a sweet gift from God. 

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