Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter + Stomach Bug

Well... We finally survived the weekend that was planned to be so picture perfect... 
You know the Easter specifics... The pretty pastels, new dresses, big hairbows, little eggs everywhere, chocolate bunnies galore, over flowing Easter baskets, and a whole lotta stuffed bellies. 

And I may or may not have gotten a perfect spray tan for the occasion of dressing up and taking a few family pictures... that turned out to be zero pictures. 

My sweetest little boy caught an evil stomach bug that put a bit of a damper on the weekend..

Bless his heart, he missed his first Easter ever. I had planned for him to wear a cute little outfit on the warm, sunny day that we had. We will have to rain check that special outfit for another day. 

Instead, John woke up and trucked it to church with Heidi girl, and looked so handsome while doing so! ( I love my man too pieces). 

They ventured over to my parents for Sunday Easter dinner with my family.

So glad they were still able to go and enjoy the special day. 
I missed seeing my sweet girl actually participate in Easter this year. 

But you can bet I received lots of darling pictures of her and that Easter bucket of hers.
She's starting to enter the phase of not smiling for the camera.. 
and we all know, she's so camera shy lady.

I hope everyone else enjoyed Easter with the ones they love. 

With HIS wounds we are healed 
Isaiah 53:5 

XO Brittany 

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