Monday, January 28, 2013

iPhone photo dump

I should really start taking more pictures with my ACTUAL camera.. It's just so easy to pull out my phone! I'll try to get better.. for now these will work. 

This sums up the month of January. Our trip to the Biltmore with Chad and Lauren and life in Tennessee too! :) 

Enjoy. XO

Friday, January 11, 2013

looking FORWARD>

Well... I must say the past few months have been very hard.. I've had bad news after bad news.

 So i'm looking forward to my future, hoping everything only gets better. Including a stress FREE weekend with two of my best friends and they just so happen to be my brother and sister in-law (insert jumping for joy here) yahooo!!

So like I said.. My hubs and I are going to the beautiful state of South Carolina this weekend to visit my brother Chad and sis in-law Lauren. (But really she's my sis).. Can you believe in almost two years we have NEVER seen their sweet home, cute little city, school, work place, church! None of it.. Only pics. (No excuse at all.) They moved there for my brother to begin his years of medical school. They just simply graduated college, married, packed up and moved to a place where all they had was each other. I LOVE THAT.. They learned to depend on each other and deal with life as adults. Hours and hours away from all family, friends, and all they had ever known. They are brave! I miss them a lot.. Being young and married you find not many of your friends are there yet.. So I think of my sweet brother and sister in law who are doing the exact same thing as us. 

They are such great influences and I only wish we could be closer oh so closer! But this is life.. AND it makes the times we are together very special.

I plan to take many pictures of our adventurous weekend with them.. I'm almost positive that Lauren will do the same. So watch out for her blog posts as well, you can find it HERE

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend XO

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