Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Michigan road trip

We made a quick trip to Michigan to visit John's family last week. The kids were extremely excited to find snow STILL on the ground when we arrived! Or I should say, Heidi was the excited one. Thomas, not so much! I think it was more of the bundling part that he totally HATED!  
On our drive up we even drove through some snow. Which was slightly terrifying for this southern girl! Thank goodness, I have a husband who can maneuver his way through the white fluff pretty well! 

We visited cousins, went to museums, and ate a ton of delicious food. The trip was such a nice break from the ordinary everyday. The babies are getting so big and it's getting a lot easier to take off for trips, without needing the whole house packed up with us! So bittersweet that they are growing up so terribly fast.  

Day One | Dino Museum

One of the coolest museums ever.. Both of the babies were completely obsessed with the gigantic life- like dinosaurs.
 (And that totally surprised me!!)
 I just knew one of them would be terrified. Thomas doesn't even like random dogs barking, but an enormous dino, he's cool with?! His "WOW" expression in the pic says it all.  

 Day Two | Discovery Museum

Another day, another museum! We always make a point to visit their local discovery center when we visit. It has everything you can think of and more. It is a favorite of theirs. Is this mini air stream not the most adorable thing you've ever seen? They spent a lot of time in there! I want one!

Time For Snow

Happy for a hot minute..

Never mind Mom, I hate this stuff! 

John Thomas says, "I quit"

Heidi would stay out forever. My little snow bunny!

Dee Dee pulling Thomas is the sled. So fun!

my snow angel

Playing in the snow makes for a tired little one. She loved naps with Dee Dee! How sweet are these pics?!

Thomas watching his Papa rock out on the drums. I think it's in their blood to be a drummer boy in this family. 

Visiting with Great Grandma.  

Now for the ten hour drive HOME!

I sure do love spending time with my family. These trips will soon be ingrained in their little minds forever. Family is everything. God sure blessed us with people who love us and our babies so much!

Have a great week everyone.

XX - Brittany 


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