Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dinner at the Vineyard's

We had the best night at the vineyards over the weekend with family. There isn't much more that could top our list of favorite things to do. The weather was perfect, and we didn't have far to go to enjoy a pretty evening outdoors. To top it off, Arrington Vineyard's is totally free! So we packed our little picnic dinner and off we went!

We are looking forward to many more days playing and dancing at the Vineyards! 
I hope everyone has a great week. 

XO Brittany 


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Ballerina Garden Party | Heidi's Third Birthday

We had the best weekend celebrating our big girls third birthday. Without a doubt I knew Heidi's love for ballerinas and all things tu tu, flowy and pretty pink, that we needed to go along with this cute theme. The garden idea just came to mind with the start of spring and all the fresh new blooms. I knew it would make the house feel just the right amount of girly, and they are still looking beautiful days later. Flowers were the perfect touch and are still brightening our days.

As far as decorations go, we kept things simple using things from her new big girl room. We didn't need to splurge on much, most everything we already had! I think everything came together so lovely. 
We are so blessed to have the best family and friends to celebrate our precious big girl!

All links below. 

 Heidi's Ballerina Garden Party. 

Happy Birthday to our sweet girl, Heidi!! 

We love you oh so much.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Heidi James + Turning Three

THREE years old, you guys!! All I keep doing is adding a two to that three and she'll be in school. I have got to stop doing that! 

It doesn't seem like it's been a whole three years since she completely changed our world. Yet, at the same time, I feel like I've known her for a hundred years. She is everything to me. Lovely, precious, loyal and kind. She sincerely cares for others. She is a little Mama to her brother and cousins. She wants everyone around her to be comfortable and happy. 
She loves chocolate and her Daddy. 
She loves Jesus, and often times reminds us to stop and pray before we rush into our day. 
She sings and she dances! Ya'll, she twirls as if know one is watching her. I absolutely love that about her. She is already so many characteristics that I wish I was.

She is a free spirit, but someone who loves home so much. She likes simple days, and appreciates all the little things in life. She likes checking the mail, and searching for flowers. She loves the sand, and asks for the beach almost every morning.
She has the best hugs, and will snuggle anytime of the day. She is our princess. Spoiled rotten to the core, and letting us know. She will be our little girl forever and ever.

We love you little girl. 

Ballerina Heidi, we cannot wait to celebrate you this weekend, and everyday! 


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your time together on Sunday. We had a great day full of worship, food and lots of Easter egg treats.  
We spent most of Sunday at my parents. The kids had a blast with cousins as we chased them around, that's usually how it goes. 

This was the first year that the kids have had their very own "kiddie" table. Look how cute they are? How is this already happening? 

Look at all those EGGS?! 

 Those cheeks of hers! She might be growing up into a big girl, but those cheeks will always say kiss me?! 

John Thomas didn't waste anytime eating the candy from the eggs..See the empty eggs above?

Heidi's sweet little praying hands melt my heart, and Bubbs searching for M&M's in the grass. 
It was a good day!

The kids were pretty worn out by the end of the day & so were the parents! 

Have a great week. 
XO - Brittany 

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