Saturday, September 29, 2012

So here we go..

I've been wanting to start a blog for a good while now. To be honest I was a bit intimidated by some fancy blogging professionals out there. I may not blog everyday or even every week, but I plan to get on often to either blabber, reflect, vent, announce, plan, and just simply jot down everything and anything this lovely life has to offer. I feel this is the perfect time in my life to begin a blog. For starters, I'll start by saying hi, this blog will be far from professional, it will consist of occasional run on sentences and misspelled words... Anyways, My name is Brittany Nicole Minelli. I just recently married the LOVE of my life, he's smart, funny, drop-dead-good-looking, talented, silly, loving, kind, and warm in every way possible.. He's John Mark Minelli. We live in the great state of Tennessee with our two puppies. Meet Pumba and Bowser!! They are messy, obnoxious, fast, and loud little rascals that we just so happen to love. I'm sure you'll be hearing plenty more about them and their craziness! Until next time..

xo- brit

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