Wednesday, December 26, 2012

hope santa treated you oh so well..

Finally.. December 25th has come and passed! THANK YOUUU> 

Crazy wacko driving fools will go back to sleep for another year..

And just MAYBE next year I'll get my shopping done way before they wake back up.. 

I really do love Christmas...I promise! The meaning can get so twisted and REAL fast.. Even I get a little caught up myself through the hectic weeks leading up to the big 25th.. 

I hope and pray that everyone understands the symbol that CHRISTmas represents. 

And for the record, it's not even the gifts that cost $$$$ that are the remembered, but the memories we cherish with the loved ones we are surrounded by.

I hope you have a fabulous New Year as you welcome 2013!! 


Monday, December 3, 2012

just a little throw back.

Well it's December and the temp reached to about 75 today here in TN.. Seems kind of crazy to think Christmas is right around the corner.

It got me thinking... Feels like beach/summer weather.. Christmas at the beach is always a thought.

Any reason for going to the beach is OHHHKAAY by me...

THEN came the thought of the last time I was at the beach.. Honeymoon in Jamaica! Then, I of course had to pull out all the cute pictures of that trip that was taken not too long ago.. Makes me sad and happy at the same time.

I never wanted that trip to end.. All you can eat, drink, sleep, swim, layout, and eat and eat some more is always a good thing. Not to mention being by your new hunk of a husband 24/7 for all week is kind of awesome.. I remember the week we both went back to work once we were home.. Ohh geez it was awful, all we did was cry.. Not because of work. But because we didn't have each others company throughout all of the day. Oh alright, I think I was the only one boo-hooing. Can you blame me? He was sad too (he said so in our 8,000 text messages the following week).. just goes to show you how that one special person can make you feel so right at home, anywhere you are.

John and I reached our 6 month mark on November 12. Doesn't seem real at all.

I love him like mad..

Enjoy a few of our Jamaica pics from the summer.

These Bob Marley Jrs. were the best.. They could play just about anything.  

he is tatted.. and i love it. STUD

i love us

so peaceful 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

NOVEMBER is here!!!

I've been so crazy busy with traveling, working, and being a wifeyy! Life's crazy.... I wanna take like 5 minutes to breath and take in this beautiful time of year! Not only is it my birth month.. It's one of my favorite holidays! Thanksgiving :) I love spending time with my family and eating way too much! I'm thankful! GOD IS GOOD..

Enjoy our Michigan pics..

p.s. it was real cold. you can tell by my facial expression! Brr..

Sunday, October 21, 2012

oh crickets..

So we have this issue at the house we are renting.. A large colony of crickets are finding their way inside now that the weather is becoming chill! I can't stand it, and I don't think the husband likes it much either! That is because I yell and scream the word "CRICKET" every time I see one! It HAS brought us many laughs I will say.. Seeing John swat and miss over and over cause they hop around so fast! Not to mention they like water... Yeah WATER, so every once in a while ill be minding my own in the shower when all a sudden I find a little jiminy cricket checking out the view from below! Dear little crickets find another home to invade. I'm sick of you!

Monday, October 1, 2012

oh sweet monday..

Well I love me some weekends! I get to spend time with my lovely hubby and all my wonderful family and friends. Then there is Monday-Friday.. You see I have this job and it's called a cake job! :) Where I get to play with two precious babies all day and get paid! I'm a nanny for a 18 month old girl, and 9 month old baby boy! They light up my day with their bright smiles and bubbly personalities! I wouldn't necessarily call it an easy job at times, especially now that they're both mobile. I have a very fast walker/runner and a itty-bitty crawler who likes to pull up on just about anything he can get his hands on! They certainly keep me on my toes and not to mention we go up and down many flights of stairs daily.. I get my workout that's for sure! I guess you can call me a lucky gal.. work is fun and it makes me smile! Till next time..

xo- brit  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

So here we go..

I've been wanting to start a blog for a good while now. To be honest I was a bit intimidated by some fancy blogging professionals out there. I may not blog everyday or even every week, but I plan to get on often to either blabber, reflect, vent, announce, plan, and just simply jot down everything and anything this lovely life has to offer. I feel this is the perfect time in my life to begin a blog. For starters, I'll start by saying hi, this blog will be far from professional, it will consist of occasional run on sentences and misspelled words... Anyways, My name is Brittany Nicole Minelli. I just recently married the LOVE of my life, he's smart, funny, drop-dead-good-looking, talented, silly, loving, kind, and warm in every way possible.. He's John Mark Minelli. We live in the great state of Tennessee with our two puppies. Meet Pumba and Bowser!! They are messy, obnoxious, fast, and loud little rascals that we just so happen to love. I'm sure you'll be hearing plenty more about them and their craziness! Until next time..

xo- brit

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