Monday, February 26, 2018

diy project | a Day with Daddy

This Daddy surprised us and took a day off this past week. You can already tell we had a project planned by the looks of all that orange! Of course the little ones tagged along and did so well! It's hard for me to believe we are entering a (somewhat) easier stage, where we don't have to pack nearly as much in the diaper bag. We can forget the stroller, and we find ourselves not caring so much about a strict schedule for them. If they don't nap they just go to bed a bit earlier. They are just acting so much bigger everyday. 

It seems like my baby Thomas just woke up one morning, and all of a sudden looks like a little boy.. No more baby! It happens so fast! I mean just look at him following his Daddy around in the store? My Mama heart just melts! 

Also, my little Heidi completely graduated from her sweet crib this week to a full size big girl bed (that's an entirely different blog post).. What a hard pill to swallow! She is doing so well, which makes it easier on her Daddy and Mama. 

Onto our project! This has been on the back burner since we moved into the new house. It wasn't something that needed to be done right away. Just an interior door off of the laundry room, that happens to be in the front portion of the house. So actually YES, it needed to be done stat. because one word. LAUNDRY! We need to be able to hide all that mess. We decided on a functional sliding barn door. We contemplated just buying a pre-made one and staining it.
 Instead, it turns out my man is handy and can build almost anything. Soo, to the lumber store we went! 

Handsome boy ready for family lunch date. Eating makes him happy. When he hears dinner he comes running. Like seriously, RUNNING!

Cuddling my babies all through the weekend.
We had a fun visit with good friends on Friday night.
On Saturday we had another family "homemade PIZZA" night with my parents, sister, brother and his family. The weekend had them wiped out. 

Captain America can sleep on his Mama any day. Love this boy of mine!

 Her new "cheese" is everything!

 He most definitely gets his squinty eyes from his Mama! 
P.S. This is the room the barn door will be in. John should be installing it today. It's ready to go up! Blog post soon on how perfect it turned out! 

Have a great Monday everyone.
~ Brittany 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

love day | a night in

Happy day after V-Day to all you lovelies. We stayed in yesterday.. One, because we are terrified of getting the flu. Two, because it's Wednesday and my husband is sleeping like a (good) baby by eight pm.
 We still made it fun and full of yumminess, if that's even a word? I would much rather ditch the IT crowd and be home on a rainy Valentines night that be waiting for food elsewhere. Plus we will more than likely rain-check our date in like two weeks, or maybe even two months? Ya never know. 

We really need to get in the habit of doing more REAL date nights with just the two of us. I think it's healthy and always leaves us feeling like US again. 

This was our last date night in Rosemary Beach.. Aah what I would do to be there again!

But for now we decided on a family Valentines dinner at home.
This is one of our favorite recipes and it never gets old.
Cajun shrimp pasta
recipe below

in between cooking dinner and playing with instagram filters. 

so many smooches from my boy. 

aren't they cute?

flowers from Daddy. 

Cajun Shrimp Pasta

Package of 30-40 peeled, deveined and tail off shrimp
fettuccine noodles
Tony's creole seosoning
salt & pepper
baby bella mushrooms (optional)
olive oil
white white

start by covering bottom of pan with a thin layer of olive oil and 2 TBS butter on medium heat. 
add diced onion and mushrooms in skillet let cook till browning begins, add shrimp and seasonings. Cook 6-10 minutes. 
reduce heat and add white wine (I add about a 1/2 a cup or a tad less) let that absorb on low to medium heat and simmer for 10 min. 

While cooking the shrimp boil water separately for fettuccine noodles. Cook 10-12 min. 

Once pasta is done add it to the shrimp skillet and mix together. 
You've got yourself a delicious, quick cajun masterpiece. 
You can always add seasonings at this point. 
I usually serve with a spring salad.
Let me know if any of you try this dish. It's a favorite!

Have a great Thursday. 
XO Brittany 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

brunch and a haircut | weekend life

After another week of rainy, cold weather, Friday greeted us with sunshine and sixty degrees. Out and about we went. Our first stop was for brunch at Meridee's with family. 

Next was a haircut for brother boy. ( pure torture)
He was not a happy camper. 

Then we snuggled in for the evening on Friday. Homemade banana bread and early bedtime was just what we all needed. 

Heidi approved. (It was yuum)

Saturday came and we headed to Opry Mills mall. The men did their thing at Bass Pro, while the kids skipped around looking at the fish, bears, deer and every other wildlife animal plastered on the walls.  Needless to say, the kids fell in love with that place and danced around the entire time. My mom and I got a pretty great workout. We did little to no shopping because, ya know...KIDS

I think this went on his 2nd birthday wish list. 

Sunday is already here and the babies are tuckered out from a morning at church. 
It's now nap time while Mama is playing catch up on all the house things.

 I hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Thomas | twenty months

Our sweet boy is already twenty months old. Wow! SO hard to believe. He is doing so much and growing daily by the pound, or five it seems!

He can run, talk up a storm (as of this month) and likes to wrestle like a pro. 
You can find him playing with his trains, begging to watch a Mickey show, or cooking with Mama in the kitchen.
 He loves to be outside, no matter the weather, he wants out there! We love our big boy. He stills thinks his name is Bubba, and I'm thinking it's going to stick with him forever.

He is obsessed with COWS.. OR MOO'S as he calls it. Loves his sister and is most definitely smitten with his Nonny (my mom). He asks about her probably ten times a day!

He also likes to pretend he cannot sleep, only to cuddle up with Mommy for nap time in her bed. It's the perfect excuse for Mommy to nap!

We couldn't let this photo opp go by. 
I could just kiss on him all day. We DO!

happy twenty months Thomas. We sure love you!



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