Monday, February 26, 2018

diy project | a Day with Daddy

This Daddy surprised us and took a day off this past week. You can already tell we had a project planned by the looks of all that orange! Of course the little ones tagged along and did so well! It's hard for me to believe we are entering a (somewhat) easier stage, where we don't have to pack nearly as much in the diaper bag. We can forget the stroller, and we find ourselves not caring so much about a strict schedule for them. If they don't nap they just go to bed a bit earlier. They are just acting so much bigger everyday. 

It seems like my baby Thomas just woke up one morning, and all of a sudden looks like a little boy.. No more baby! It happens so fast! I mean just look at him following his Daddy around in the store? My Mama heart just melts! 

Also, my little Heidi completely graduated from her sweet crib this week to a full size big girl bed (that's an entirely different blog post).. What a hard pill to swallow! She is doing so well, which makes it easier on her Daddy and Mama. 

Onto our project! This has been on the back burner since we moved into the new house. It wasn't something that needed to be done right away. Just an interior door off of the laundry room, that happens to be in the front portion of the house. So actually YES, it needed to be done stat. because one word. LAUNDRY! We need to be able to hide all that mess. We decided on a functional sliding barn door. We contemplated just buying a pre-made one and staining it.
 Instead, it turns out my man is handy and can build almost anything. Soo, to the lumber store we went! 

Handsome boy ready for family lunch date. Eating makes him happy. When he hears dinner he comes running. Like seriously, RUNNING!

Cuddling my babies all through the weekend.
We had a fun visit with good friends on Friday night.
On Saturday we had another family "homemade PIZZA" night with my parents, sister, brother and his family. The weekend had them wiped out. 

Captain America can sleep on his Mama any day. Love this boy of mine!

 Her new "cheese" is everything!

 He most definitely gets his squinty eyes from his Mama! 
P.S. This is the room the barn door will be in. John should be installing it today. It's ready to go up! Blog post soon on how perfect it turned out! 

Have a great Monday everyone.
~ Brittany 

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