Monday, February 5, 2018

Thomas | twenty months

Our sweet boy is already twenty months old. Wow! SO hard to believe. He is doing so much and growing daily by the pound, or five it seems!

He can run, talk up a storm (as of this month) and likes to wrestle like a pro. 
You can find him playing with his trains, begging to watch a Mickey show, or cooking with Mama in the kitchen.
 He loves to be outside, no matter the weather, he wants out there! We love our big boy. He stills thinks his name is Bubba, and I'm thinking it's going to stick with him forever.

He is obsessed with COWS.. OR MOO'S as he calls it. Loves his sister and is most definitely smitten with his Nonny (my mom). He asks about her probably ten times a day!

He also likes to pretend he cannot sleep, only to cuddle up with Mommy for nap time in her bed. It's the perfect excuse for Mommy to nap!

We couldn't let this photo opp go by. 
I could just kiss on him all day. We DO!

happy twenty months Thomas. We sure love you!



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