Sunday, January 14, 2018

a little snow day

We finally got a dusting of snow, and when I say "dusting", I mean it! No matter how much we got, we still made the most of it while it lasted. We braved the seventeen degree morning and ventured out while the bulk of the snow decided to fall. Our trails lit up with snow and we had such a fun time riding through it!

It made for some pretty pictures and a very fun morning. Maybe we will get another real snowfall before the season is over! 

Our weekend was full of playoff games, really yummy food, and an occasional toddler fight. (happening a lot lately). This weekend Heidi has lost a chunk of hair, and three biting episodes all from her little brother. 

but how pretty is our woods?

Other than Sunday church this morning, we have stayed bundled up inside. Anytime we can lounge around on a weekend is okay by me! 

Speaking of church, Heidi sat with a sweet couple the entire service this morning, and although it gave me a nice break, I feel like it's the beginning of her big girl transformation. It's happening, (tears streaming) and I am slowly accepting it! She has asked for a big girl bed numerous times lately. I just pretend like I don't hear it. But deep down I'm like.. NOOO!! 

So here I go, searching for all the toddler girl bedrooms on Pinterest.  

Happy Sunday. 
I hope everyone has a great week!

XO Brittany

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