Friday, September 21, 2018

A week in Rosemary Beach | 2018

Beach Trip 2018






 Our week together was so very memorable. We had a fun time with the babies on the beach this year. It gets a little more fun with every year that passes, even though that means they are GROWING up! We had a big family affair this year. Mama's and Daddy's, grandparents, and Grandmommy, the whole crew of cousins and aunts and uncles all made the trip. I know we are so blessed to have these years together. Taking big family trips is so chaotic and crazy, but having four generations crammed into one beach house for a whole week is so worth it! I know it won't always be this way, so we are hanging onto these days of having each other near.
I have LOVED hearing them talk about all the fun they had while on vacation. They have already asked to go back several times, and even tried packing a bag!
This year we decided to absolutely never, ever never plan a beach trip in September. This was two out of two trips that had left us with hurricane anxiety. Thankfully, we only had one day of bad weather, but nothing horrible. We had a cozy day staying in,  just watching the rain fall.
We ate out most nights, because isn't that one of the best parts of a vacation?! FOOD. We all LOVE food, it was a hard choice choosing a place each night. We managed to try a few new places and loved it all!
Once we got settled back at home from a fun week at the beach I was definitely ready for the start of fall. Unfortunately, Tennessee isn't going to feel like fall for a few more weeks. Until then I will begin to search for all the cute fall necessities for the kiddos. Zara's toddler selection gets me every time!
Have a great weekend everyone.

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