Wednesday, April 26, 2017

11 months // gross motor skills


Well if we aren't celebrating a birthday in the month of April... We're planning one! 
Our little guy is already 11 months old. yikes... before long he will be toddling around just like his big sis.


John Thomas is a tad behind on his gross motor skills compared to most 11 month old baby boys. He is absolutely soaring in all other categories. He just doesn't want to use his leg muscles to the full potential. We have really been working on standing him up throughout the day to practice cruising around the furniture. Encouraging him to use his legs to bend/pick up toys from below him. 
I can tell he wants to stand and walk so bad. I believe he is just late to do most things, he didn't roll over until almost 8 months.. Thats really late. So I'm keeping the faith, I know he will do it when he is ready. He is under review until 12 months. 

His pediatrician will re-evaluate his progress and see how he is doing with it. 

One more month to work so hard building up those legs.
I pray it will come with time for him. 


He is so totally a Momma's boy.. Not even kidding. Heidi loved me, but this BOY loves me!
He wants his momma's hip through the day & at night especially.
His nursing game is still going strong. Even through the night, and sometimes twice at night ..erghhhh

I'm totally soaking it all in though. It seems after they turn ONE it's all so fast from there. 
I have a feeling that this summer will look a little different than last summer. 
Hopefully, I'll have TWO babes toddling and running around. 


I haven't finalized the FIRST year birthday party theme, but it most definitely will be a big shaaaBANG for sure. 

SO many ideas for a baby boy.
Happy 11 months John Thomas. 
Mommy loves you sooo..

Can we talk about this boys looks? I'm thinking tall, dark, and handsome. + those baby blues oh my!  

such a stud muffin like daddy




Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter + Stomach Bug

Well... We finally survived the weekend that was planned to be so picture perfect... 
You know the Easter specifics... The pretty pastels, new dresses, big hairbows, little eggs everywhere, chocolate bunnies galore, over flowing Easter baskets, and a whole lotta stuffed bellies. 

And I may or may not have gotten a perfect spray tan for the occasion of dressing up and taking a few family pictures... that turned out to be zero pictures. 

My sweetest little boy caught an evil stomach bug that put a bit of a damper on the weekend..

Bless his heart, he missed his first Easter ever. I had planned for him to wear a cute little outfit on the warm, sunny day that we had. We will have to rain check that special outfit for another day. 

Instead, John woke up and trucked it to church with Heidi girl, and looked so handsome while doing so! ( I love my man too pieces). 

They ventured over to my parents for Sunday Easter dinner with my family.

So glad they were still able to go and enjoy the special day. 
I missed seeing my sweet girl actually participate in Easter this year. 

But you can bet I received lots of darling pictures of her and that Easter bucket of hers.
She's starting to enter the phase of not smiling for the camera.. 
and we all know, she's so camera shy lady.

I hope everyone else enjoyed Easter with the ones they love. 

With HIS wounds we are healed 
Isaiah 53:5 

XO Brittany 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Johns 27th Birthday

So April is a big month for birthdays in our family. We celebrated John's birthday yesterday. He is twenty seven.. 2 7 that is!! 

It's so hard to believe we are officially in our late twenties. 

I asked him how he feels to be 27??! His response was..
 Old and worn out. That Poor Daddy!!

 But he really couldn't imagine spending 27 any other way, surrounded by his babies calling him DaDa and Heidi constantly saying, "Daddy UP"
(Meaning pick me up, and hold me) 

There isn't a greater feeling feeling in the world than having tiny little ones depending on your love and affection. 

We have such an amazing Daddy that takes care of us & works extremely hard to meet all of our needs. 

Not a day goes by that I don't thank the Lord for this amazing man in my life. 

He is such a great example to so many and does more for others than most do. 

Thank you John, (if you ever decide to check out your wife's blog) for being the amazing husband, father, son, brother & friend. 

You make the world around you such a pleasant place! 

We love you, forever and ever. 

XO Brittany 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Heidi turns two

Well the day is here my friends. My first sweet girl is finally two! In just a blink of an eye she just decided to grow up and have yet, another birthday! Slow down sweet one.

And of course she looked 10 million times bigger when I got her from her crib that morning.

She doesn't really know what to think of the Happy Birthday song..

I greeted her with it, and she gave me a big grin! I could tell she thought I was a tad crazy!

We pretty much sang to her all the day long. 

Her birthday this year was on a Thursday, so we decided it would be fun to take her to the cutest little toy shop ever. It's in an older house in the little charming town of Nolensville.

Heidi was seriously in heaven, she started rambling in her own happy language and when she would pick up a toy her voice would reach the highest note possible. More like a squeal. She's seriously the best thing in this universe. 

I was so depressed that she was turning TWO.. I don't want her to grow up. I know that's all normal Momma feelings. I'm really trying to embrace the moments that are here. Each stage is new and fresh. She really is such a gift to us. I know everyone says it, but my life would be lost without this girl in it. 

She makes me the happiest mommy in the world. 

She has us all wrapped around her finger. We just follow along to the beat of her little loud drum

I say she is ours.. but in all reality, we are hers!! 
She owns us. Basically! 

Oh happy day sweet Heidi James! You are our prized jewel, a sweet gift from God. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

This little Tribe of mine

Meet my little tribe, Heidi and John Thomas. They are 13 months apart. 

They have been inseparable from the beginning. 
The excitement they get when they see each other every morning is just the cutest thing ever. 

I didn't realize how much fun having two so close together would actually be!
I have constant dejavu of like...wait this time last year I'm doing the exact same thing except with my second sweet baby.

But the best part of it all, they are both now in the exact same size diaper. WINNING!!

Yes, there are days that I forget to eat breakfast or even brush my teeth.. but I manage to survive! 
These two have us in tears at their crazy ways. They will make each other so happy one minute..and the next will be complete chaos as they fight over Donald the duck or the worst yet..
The ever so loved snack cup..Always seems to be in the middle of church too.. I'm telling you, it never fails. Goldfish will be flying! 

So we are starting to get lots of looks when we go out..We literally need two of everything!!

And I feel like I'm constantly apologizing to the poor old couple behind us for the toys falling over the church seats, or the puffs getting crushed on the floor of church.. haha these are the days my friends. 

Any other momma's feel the relation?! 

My Tribe  

Sweetest Daddy ever 

Not sure how both my babies ended up with blue eyes, but I'll take it. 

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