Thursday, September 28, 2017

fall favorites | for the babies

Hey everyone, if you can't tell I'm so excited, and FINALLY ready for fall around here. Once our beach trip came to an end I was 100% ready. Like let me tell you how ready I was.. We had a seven hour drive home from Florida and I did way too much shopping the whole way back!! I'll be sharing a few favorites for the babes that have already arrived since then! 

We haven't had the chance to wear any of them yet because of this unusual heat we are still experiencing. Hopefully this weekend will be a little cooler.. We cannot wait to wear our new fall favorites. 

|for my boy|

|for my girl| 

corduroy dress | zara

Heidi has more fall gear than her brother, but a little corduroy dress for special occasions is always a good idea. I'm on the look out for some cute boots + tights for this winter.

Have a great Thursday!

xo Brittany

Monday, September 25, 2017

rosemary beach // part 2

Part Two

Rosemary Beach / 30 A

To continue our beach trip, on Thursday my parents were so sweet and offered to watch the babies for an evening so John and I, plus my brother and sister-in-law could enjoy a little night out. We took them up on that offer almost immediately.

One of the cutest parts of the evening was being able to walk from our rental to the restaurant. I loved being so close to all the local shops and eats!
Rosemary Beach has a super cute European feel to it, the streets are covered in brick pavers, gas lanterns light up the sidewalks, and almost every corner we came to we witnessed the cutest little courtyards. We even had our dinner + date night in one.
Edward's fine dining was our top pick, and it didn't disappoint. Live music + fine food was one of my highlights of this vacation.. For sure!

I snapped this picture on our walk back home from dinner, is this not the prettiest thing you've ever seen? God is so good!

Onto the next beach day with the whole gang. Yes, we still like to goof off and play like we are 16 again!
We played a game of volleyball and the boys played a ton of skip-it and skim board (I think that's what it's called) and of course all the sand castles you can imagine!

A sweet afternoon nap with her Daddy!

How big is my little girl?! TOO big! 

Our last night out we decided on Seaside's famous food trucks that are lined up along the streets of 30a

We tried our best for a cousin pic, this was the outcome! Not too bad. I love those babies!! 

P.S. Our huge house for the week. This sucker had four levels. I think my sister in law counted 48 steps to the top level! 

We ventured back to the house to pack up for our trip back home to Tennessee! It's always so bittersweet leaving the beach, for me it's the most refreshing, recharged feeling in the world. Both physically, mentally & spiritually! 

 Saying goodbye to the ocean for the last time, I think Thomas felt free roaming the streets barefoot in only his diaper.
He was so happy! I loved witnessing my babies experience such a fun, beautiful new sight in this life.


So long, till next time!

xo Brittany

outfit details
red polka dot date night dress//H&M (not online)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Rosemary Beach // part 1

Part One
Rosemary Beach / 30 A

 Our vacation started out a little wet as we ventured south through hurricane Irma! 
After all, it's not a beach vacation without a little hurricane drama.. Am I right? 
Thankfully it didn't last long, only some rain and a bit of wind. In just a little over seven hours we had finally made it to our Florida beach house rental, where we would spend the next five days with the whole family, just beachin' it. 

Once we arrived we finally settled in around two am that Tuesday morning. Yes that's an AM after that number two!! Whew.. We completely passed out and we were ready for the first day at the beach just five hours later.
day one

Our morning routine went like this

wake up. breakfast. suits. sunscreen. beach 
and you cannot forget coffee.

 The babies did really well on the beach. They were both old enough to appreciate the sand and were not too afraid of the waves. It took them a little bit of time to get used to, but they jumped right into the fun pretty quick. Their routines were barely compromised at all. They still napped, and the naps were much needed each day. It turned into FAMILY nap session most days. NOT complaining a bit! 

this boys first feel of the sand. and my nephew ready for fun in the background. :)

okkay, this isn't so bad!

baby boy loved napping in the morning on his daily beach wagon rides.
sweetest thing ever.. I can't get enough of those baby rolls covered in sand.
oh my heart.

look at those sleepy cheeks

this never happens at home. I soaked up all the baby cuddles while they lasted

PS look at Heidi in the lounge chair..this is perfect!!

How cute is my sis-in-law and my little niece?! Loved spending time with them this last week.

Our first night to dinner we decided on the Great Southern Cafe in Seaside. It was the bomb.
Shrimp and grits did it for me, the best ever! 

my dad and sister

 the most handsome boys of mine

full bellies + full hearts for our first beach day

day two

  family breakfast + a first french braid for my little Heidi girl.
I can't believe how big she has grown this summer.

Their Papaw spent an hour digging them the perfect sand chair 
They loved it! How cute are these two?! Sweet cousin memories.

I was able to lay this little fella down and relax for a minute.

my sweet grandmommy 

and no baby in hand.. feels sooo weird!

Heidi and her Abba aka Abigail/my sister!

Nonny and her sweet Heidi girl.

We ended the day with dinner in, and a walk to the sugar shack down the street!
 We found Heidi smuggling suckers and tootsie rolls throughout the store, safe to say I think it was a highlight of her trip. 

outfit details 

 spray tans for all the ladies on the trip by me!

Thanks for reading this little corner of life from 
the Minelli tribe.

xo Britt 

The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination, and brings eternal joy to the soul.

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