Friday, December 29, 2017

all things Christmas | all week

Merry Christmas! We've had the busiest, best week ever! We celebrated Christmas four times within four days. It was crazy and a bit nuts at times. 
We are ready to get back to a pleasant routine and not sooo much late night candy. Both kiddos have had major sleep regression this week, and I'm blaming that all on the SWEETS! 

We have enjoyed our time with family, and are so grateful for another year together, making new memories is my favorite! 
Let the fun begin.

| Christmas breakfast at the farmhouse |

We spent Christmas Eve morning at a local nursing home to visit sweet shut ins. This was very special, and something that I hope to keep up with as the babies grow up.

Thomas made some new friends, and might have even swooned a couple ladies while playing 
peek-a-boo between walkers. By far my favorite scene of the day! 

The week before Christmas we got together with cousins to make gingerbread houses.. Or I guess you could say I tried to make them while my little ones mostly "ate" the gingerbread houses. It was fun and a pop of color so I had to add it to the post of all things Christmas!

 Proof of little Missy eating the house parts..she was on the naughty list this year, for sure!

We continued to make Christmas week special by sprinkling everything in bright red and greens! 
Even our already sweet cinnamon rolls needed sprinkles! 

Christmas cards went out in time..Wheww!

finishing touches on Nonny and Papaw's tree

Christmas morning playing with all the new toys

a baby in a tool belt..heart melt

Heidi's first dollhouse. We plan to add wallpaper and paint to make it girly and oh so cozy! A fun mother/daughter project for us in the New Year! 

We hope everyone enjoyed this special time, we sure did! 

Merry Christmas from the Minelli tribe.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Santa's Trees | Christmas Pictures

Happy Monday y'all! Today I'm sharing our family photo session from Santa's Trees at 12 South in Nashville. My very sweet, talented friend Arika, did the greatest job EVER capturing the PURE magic on all of our faces! We got started bright and early to have the best lighting, and it was a tad bit chilly so we bundled up good!! I knew I wanted a very casual, laid back look for this years Christmas card. I was so thrilled with them, and now I cannot keep from over posting on insta and everywhere else! I just love this time of year, my family is my everything

We also may have bribed the babies of Five Daughter's Bakery that just so happened to be right across the street from our picture taking location! Everybody wins!! It was a fun morning of pictures and doughnuts.

I hope you all have a great Monday, I'll be addressing Christmas cards, catching up on laundry and possibly last minute online shopping. 

xo, Brittany 

Friday, December 8, 2017

Franklin Christmas Lights Celebration

|December Festivities|

Hi everyone, Happy Friday to you all! It's a whopping 29 degrees out today. BRRR 
You can find us all bundled up inside, sipping on our hot drinks while jammin' to some jingle bells (Heidi's request)! Except my crazy husband, he's out hunting..Such a provider! 

I've had a very productive week, so today was a day to chill, but before that, I wanted to show you all the fun weekend we had this past Friday! I told y'all I'm getting caught up on all the fun Christmas posts! 

Last Friday we spent the evening downtown Franklin, TN for their annual festive Christmas lights celebration. My sweet sister in-law told us about it, and I'm so thankful she did. It was our first time, and I think we might make that apart of our sweet holiday traditions. It was a chilly night, but for me it set the mood for the beginning of a wonderful Christmas season! We had so much fun and everyone had the best time. 

Snow wasn't in the forecast, but you'd never know from my pictures (We might have to invest in a snow machine.) haha Oh..Tennessee winter problems!! 
I love snow when I can be bundled up at home with all my babies! 
I'm a little jealous seeing everyones snowy instagram pictures just south of us on this Friday! 

almost the whole crew, blurry but sweet.

Such a fun night! We woke up bright and early the next morning for Christmas pictures in Nashville. That post is to follow.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 

XO, Brittany 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas

Hi friends! We have had a slight computer/internet dilemma the past couple weeks. I've tried publishing several blog posts and it just didn't happen! So let me update you on all that's been happening the past several weeks!! 


We had the best Thanksgiving with family. It was the perfect day, and after what seemed like being stuck at home with a million colds, the whole family felt well and for that I was extremely THANKFUL! 
We have a lot to be thankful for, but this year I was most Thankful for the health and happiness of my sweet babies!

 Thanksgiving night they were pooped!


We set out on a fun family hike following our overly stuffed Thanksgiving meal the night before! It was such a nice change of scenery and so refreshing. Plus the kiddos had the best time leading the way.


A little bit of shopping + decorating our tree.. Anyone else have an unlimited of supply of cardboard boxes floating around their house. We look like Amazon crazy people..

My little ELF helper. I  L-O-V-E  how involved she is this year, it's going to be so sweet! 

XO, Brittany 

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