Tuesday, May 30, 2017

our boy is one

We have a ONE year old baby boy. So weird to say that, i'll be calling it twelve months! That way he doesn't sound so big! But look at his little belly poppin' out of his shirt. I love it.

We had such a busy week and weekend. John Thomas turned ONE on Thursday. Friday we had his twelve month doctor visit, and on Saturday we had a big first birthday party for him. 

It was so very busy busy, but I had lots of awesome help. As simple as I said I was going to go with his first year party, I was still running around like a crazy Momma before it began. I always do that!

getting love from his Great Grandmommy

Thankfully I had some help to pull all the fun details together for me. Two minds are always better than one. Plus three or four is waaaaay better. 

So clearly we decided to go with a fishing theme for Thomas's party. We have tons of fishing gear around and I can't help but think my boy is going to love the outdoors just like the rest of us. 

His Daddy LOVES to fish.

I had my man clean out the tackle box and he delivered. We put bait, reels, and bobbers in mason jars. My go to way of displaying anything!! 

It turned out so great. 

My Mom makes the cutest canvas banners, we used this one for a sweet display, i'll hang it in his nursery to go along with his rustic, outdoor theme nursery after the party comes to an end. 

Onto the smashcake. We decided to bake our own, and you could probably say we won't be getting a call to bake any cakes for anyone else...like ever
It tasted good and that's all that mattered to my boy. 

As soon as we walked outside (let me remind you of the TN humidity this time of year) the icing started running off the sides of the cake. Immediately! We thought outdoors would make for cute pictures. And it sure did!!

He was in sweets HEAVEN. He said YUMM for the first time ever with that first lick of icing.
Everyone laughed so hard. He was in awe. Even Heidi and her cousin snuck in for a taste. 

smashcake aftermath

I'm so very blessed to have this boy as my own. He has taught us a lot this past year. 

little boys have a way of stealing our hearts. 
the way he loves is all i'll ever need from him

Happy First Birthday John Thomas 

XO Mommy 

shop our party supplies

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

top beauty must haves

Hi friends. I have had a lot of little Mommy's and pretty ladies ask me what my beauty routine consists of. I will give a detailed description in a blog post soon. But for now, these are my top (I gotta have it when I run out) kind of products. 

Being in the beauty industry I have been able to work with a lot of high end products. Some of which I loved, others I never figured out how they got here.  

Now that I stay at home, I try to cut corners on some products to save a little money here and there. (You're welcome babe). I'm definitely a product junkie. I'm more than willing to try out new products. Give me all the samples! 

However, these are four products that I don't mind splurging a little on.

So here they are. 


Every single time this product amazes me. I always go back to it.

Even as an esthetician my skin is far from perfect. I have several acne scars from when I was younger (thanks to endometriosis+pcos)
I needed something that was going to be full coverage, that wouldn't make me look like i had rolled around in mud. Ya know? I've tried makeup on that seriously made me feel like I had just rubbed clay on my face. That's NO good. With this makeup your skin can actually breath easy.

This product goes on like a dream. It's so smooth and lasts through the day of sweaty toddler chasing, and errand runs. Get it, you'll love it. 

It has a SPF 50. Plus it's full of anti-aging benefits and a wonderful serum that helps hydrate. I would say that's an A++



I've been using this bronzer for several years. It's the kind that your girlfriends ask to borrow for a touch up on a girls night out. It looks so good on everyone. Also, this can be used as an eye shadow, highlighting and contouring, if your into that. 
And it lasts a long time.

Bronzer is probably my go to product on a daily basis. Mostly during the summer months I will only apply bronzer and mascara, and this one does the trick. 



This highlighter is the best. It looks the most natural of any that I've tried. 
My Mom bought this for me for my birthday over three years ago. I'm pretty sure I've only had to buy it one time since then. So awesome. 
I use this stuff all over. Cheeks, and even lips for a pretty shimmering nude lip
 (I will apply a lip balm over top for a simple day to day look.)
My most kept secret, when the baby has kept me up through the night, I'll apply it as an eye shadow and it gives me an instant bright-eyed look. Talk about fooling people. 
It works most of the time. 



The title says it all. Gimme it! It's one of the easiest to apply and it lasts all day until makeup removal time. A lot of ladies are so intimidated when it comes to brows. This product is a game changer. 
This little bottle also lasts me such a long time. It comes in different shades so you can choose your color accordingly. I wear light. You should give this stuff a try ya'll. 



Can you say cheap mascara for the win?! This is also a favorite of mine for many reasons. It gives me volume and length without caking or clumping. It also doesn't flake on me. No one likes flaky mascara. I naturally have long eyelashes.. Thank you Lord! This helps them look thicker and more defined. 

I'm wearing all the above products in this shameless selfie. So simple and such a quick application.
You can choose to go light, or heavy for a more dramatic date night look.  I was Mommin' it for the day, so simple it is. ALWAYS simple around here.

Try these products. If you have any favorite must haves feel free to share. Thanks for stopping by pretty ladies. Have a blessed week. 

xo Brittany 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

five years + mother's day weekend

My sweet husband and I celebrated five years of marriage this past friday. We took total advantage of it falling on a Friday this year. We had my sweet Mom watch both babies, and we took off (for about 2.5 hours that is) haha I know... You were expecting me to say DAYS.. Me too. 


see what i mean-he's like where you going momma?


A year ago we had planned on taking a relaxing beach getaway for our five year anniversary. Sans kiddos. But our youngest had other plans. You see, he is a tad bit different that Heidi was at this age. Not as independent, I guess you could say! Wants to nurse still at night, only wants Momma to put him to sleep. Will NOT take a bottle.. like at all! Partly I'm to fault for that one. 

Needless to say, we hung out pretty close to home this anniversary. Maybe next year we can take our trip we longed for this year. I know there will be plenty of years ahead that our kiddos will probably beg for us to leave them behind so they can be spoiled by their grandparents.  


Our anniversary also happened to fall on Mother's Day weekend this year. How lucky was my husband?? I mean, come on?! It was such a fun weekend with the family. 

my parents farm house on Mother's Day. 

I couldn't leave out my sweet momma. She's one in a million. 

 My mother-in-law (Dee Dee). She does so much for us. We don't see her as often as we would like to. But it makes our time together just that much more special. 

my first handmade Mother's Day card from my girl. thank you to the sweet sunday school teachers at church for this one. 

I was spoiled with donuts, and get this, a yoga traction mat that I've been asking for. Plus an awesome new pair of workout leggings. I know those don't typically belong in the same sentence, but in this blog, they do! This Momma loves some donuts. 

momma + daughter tea party

flowers for momma

a baby fruit tea bandit

Heidi fell asleep on the way home from church. So we didn't capture the cute little dressed up version of Mother's Day with the whole crew. Just me and my boy. 

motherhood = sharing your bowl of cereal with the whole tribe.

I hope all of you Momma's had an awesome Mother's Day this year. 

xo Brittany 



Tuesday, May 2, 2017

franklin street festival - weekend roundup

Hello friends. I cannot believe its finally May?! Such a fun, busy month over here. 

We have tried to keep busy on the weekends with both of the babies. It can be a little difficult venturing out with them, just one on TWO. So by Friday 
I'm like.. I need outta this house.  
Buut.. When I do venture out (Which I rarely do) ...It's usually pretty darn entertaining.

For example, on Wednesday I decided to make a Target run. As soon as I walked in, there were 0 double shopping carts for my TWO under TWO .. Not the best start. 
So here I am, pushing this cart with Heidi in the front of the buggy freaking out every time I made a stop, or decided to turn down an isle. Needless to say, she didn't like the sudden stop and go.. This child will not be found near a roller coaster. She can hardly stand curvy, hilly roads. (Gets that from her Daddy). So we cut that shopping trip short and met Daddy for lunch at Chik-fil-a. mhmmm. One of our favorite spots with the babies. 

Fast forward a couple of days to the WEEKEND..


We had the best time this weekend with the babies and family. 
The spring street festival in Franklin is sure to always be a good one. 
It seems like most years it's always a bit rainy during the festival weekend. Well not this year. It was HOT.. Like extreme temps for the end of April. 

They had the cutest little small shops, and a ton of really precious activities for the little ones. 
Heidi's favorite part was most definitely the petting zoo. Girl loves her some farm animals.

She also did a train ride with Daddy. She thought she would like it, until they started the engine (that they literally sat right behind). Poor baby. I really wish I could have captured her face when that sucker started up. NOT PRETTY!
Good thing Daddy was there to save the day. 

We ate yummy food, drank way too many blue snow cones, and may have gotten a little too much sun. At least I did. 

This might be my new favorite picture of Heidi. 

All the sass in the world

the most handsome fellas 

she likes to bark orders.. can you tell? 
my sweet nephew in the back is like..uhh, when is she gonna stop. 

the heat started to catch up to her. Brother was already passed out on the way back to the car.


I promise, it doesn't matter what time us parents wake up on Sunday. It could be 3 hours before church, or 30 minutes. It never fails we are stuffing the kids faces and running out the door with one shoe on, and the other in hand! 
 We made it to church..ON time (happy dance)

After church we had lunch at the delish Slim Chickens and then came home for a stormy, cozy afternoon inside. 

Those are the perfect afternoons, the babies always seem to take the best afternoon naps on Sundays.

That night John decided to make homemade pancakes. Well, let me rephrase that.. John decided to FLIP the homemade pancakes that I made.  

They turned out yummy, we even got a little clever and created a Mickey Mouse pancake just for Heidi. She could have cared less, surprisingly!
But it was the thoughtful gesture that counted. Her Daddy worked hard to pour that batter just perfectly. 

We ended our weekend with bath and bed. Such a sweet time being together. 
Now.. Bring on Friday! Hope everyone has a great week. Is it really only Tuesday??

and can you tell i love my new trucker hat?
it's a staple lately..mom hair everyday. 

Oh yeah, I o-fish-ally decided on a birthday party theme for the Big ONE! 
Lots of REEL cute pics to come. If ya get what I'm putting out there...

and this boy has had a huge improvement with standing and now taking steps along furniture.
Answered prayers for this Momma. God is GOOD. All the time. 




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