Saturday, August 26, 2017

Thomas // 15 Months

Our little guy is officially 15 months old!! He is learning to do all kinds of new things. Sleeping better is on the top of that list (insert praise hands)!! He is becoming a little more confident with taking steps on his own. Still not fully walking, but the boy can flat out sprint if he's using his little train walker! haha It's one of the funniest sights you'll ever see. We go for his 15 mo. checkup on Tuesday, I'll be so excited to see his growth charts. All he wants to do is eat, I kind of think he is starting to get church and restaurants mixed up. 

This month he will take his first trip to the beach. I'm looking forward to seeing his reaction to the sea and sand. I sure hope he likes it! 

 He is beginning to get that toddler look to him! Mixed feelings about that.. It's amazing to compare the difference from now to back here when he was only 11 months! Time goes so fast with babies. The days are long, but the years are ohh so short.

what he loves
playing cars
outside with his couzy coop car
favorite book. Moo Baa La La La (on repeat)
most favorite thing- Mommy
still nursing once, sometimes twice daily

We love you brother boy. 

xo brittany 

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