Saturday, August 12, 2017

weekend cuddles

It's been a week for the books at our home. This tribe has had a nasty virus. Hand, foot, mouth is NO joke!! There is nothing more pitiful than having a sick baby, much less two sick babies. I've cuddled, cried and stayed up many hours each night with both littles. I even had to call in some back up to help through the night. My mom doesn't live far, and for that I'm so grateful. Her and John have both been major help this week. 

stuck like glue to his momma

To think this has all been going on since Tuesday is crazy! I'm about ready to go bonkers all bottled up in the house. I'm a homebody, but four days is TOO long without a mall, or mexican. Does anyone else think the same?! haha 

So the babies are on the mend, at least it seemed that way this morning! So I, of course had to try on a new little t-shirt for our beach trip coming up. I'm definitely on a tropical print theme this year! 

side note: Heidi in the background trying on too! hehe I love her.

Pineapples make for a happy Saturday, even if you're all cooped up inside with sickly babes.

It's bound to cheer you up.

xo Brittany 

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