Tuesday, August 29, 2017

keeping cool

We are gearing up for our first beach vacation as a family of four. I'm getting so excited, planning for the big trip is keeping me on my toes.

 My sister-in-law and I were out and about on a HOT day in Nashville. We saw a mommy that had little mini fans attached to her stroller for her twin babies. She said she loved them and that they really did help with keeping them cool. We knew at that moment we HAD to get them! So what did we do?! Came home and hopped right on AMAZON! 

I purchased this fan for our double stroller. I just stuck to one for now because Heidi as of late wants to walk alongside the stroller. Ya know.. MISS INDEPENDENT!! I can't wait to try it out this weekend when our family comes to town. 

Meanwhile, I'm still prepping for vacation and getting all kinds of deals and steals on all things summer!! That's the one great thing about taking a beach trip late in the season. You get to score on all the last summer deals.

P.S. We almost have a little walker!!

We skimmed the isles over at our local nursery this weekend trying to pick out landscape. The babes were in heaven. I can definitely picture loving a family outing like that when I was a little girl. Between the flower bushes and the garden nomes, they were DIGGING it! 
Speaking of digging.. That's about all my hubby has done since we came home from the nursery! lol
We are definitely looking forward to a laid back weekend. 

XO Brittany 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Thomas // 15 Months

Our little guy is officially 15 months old!! He is learning to do all kinds of new things. Sleeping better is on the top of that list (insert praise hands)!! He is becoming a little more confident with taking steps on his own. Still not fully walking, but the boy can flat out sprint if he's using his little train walker! haha It's one of the funniest sights you'll ever see. We go for his 15 mo. checkup on Tuesday, I'll be so excited to see his growth charts. All he wants to do is eat, I kind of think he is starting to get church and restaurants mixed up. 

This month he will take his first trip to the beach. I'm looking forward to seeing his reaction to the sea and sand. I sure hope he likes it! 

 He is beginning to get that toddler look to him! Mixed feelings about that.. It's amazing to compare the difference from now to back here when he was only 11 months! Time goes so fast with babies. The days are long, but the years are ohh so short.

what he loves
playing cars
outside with his couzy coop car
favorite book. Moo Baa La La La (on repeat)
most favorite thing- Mommy
still nursing once, sometimes twice daily

We love you brother boy. 

xo brittany 

Monday, August 14, 2017

memories of summer

A little summer photo recap with Kendra

Summer is almost over and I'm a little bit blue just thinking about how much the babies have grown in only three months from this little photo shoot we did. Check out Kendra's work, you will be glad you did. I love her, and how good she makes my family look. You realize some days we barely make it out of our jammies'! Love you Kendra! 

God has blessed us with another beautiful season. When you become a Mommy I think you learn to love all seasons, because they become memories you never want to forget. Summer was good to us. We were able to celebrate a first birthday with John Thomas. We prayed for children for many years, then we received them. One after another. It's not always easy, but it's a lot of fun!  

Our babies participated in their first vacation bible school at church. They learned a lot, and have taught us a lot. Like sometimes we need to slow down, enjoy the little things. 
You don't realize how many times Heidi has reminded us to pray before we eat. A tiny little two year old. They teach us.

We decorated the walls of our new house. As a family, we hung pictures on the walls, we set up furniture and hung drapes across the windows. We have far more than what we deserve.

We celebrated five wonderful years of marriage. We reminisced how it all began. How we fell in love from the day we met, to how we learned to grow together one day at a time. We learned that we may not always have it all, but when we're together we have everything we'll ever need. 

Proverbs 24:3 

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established. Through knowledge it's rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

weekend cuddles

It's been a week for the books at our home. This tribe has had a nasty virus. Hand, foot, mouth is NO joke!! There is nothing more pitiful than having a sick baby, much less two sick babies. I've cuddled, cried and stayed up many hours each night with both littles. I even had to call in some back up to help through the night. My mom doesn't live far, and for that I'm so grateful. Her and John have both been major help this week. 

stuck like glue to his momma

To think this has all been going on since Tuesday is crazy! I'm about ready to go bonkers all bottled up in the house. I'm a homebody, but four days is TOO long without a mall, or mexican. Does anyone else think the same?! haha 

So the babies are on the mend, at least it seemed that way this morning! So I, of course had to try on a new little t-shirt for our beach trip coming up. I'm definitely on a tropical print theme this year! 

side note: Heidi in the background trying on too! hehe I love her.

Pineapples make for a happy Saturday, even if you're all cooped up inside with sickly babes.

It's bound to cheer you up.

xo Brittany 

Monday, August 7, 2017

beachy daydreams on a monday

Well Monday is here again, and I have to admit, I've really been an amazon crazy lady lately. All I do is search for the latest deals for our upcoming trip. One of my bathing suits came just a few weeks ago. I've seen it online a few different places and then..TA-DA I found it on amazon. TWO day shipping is my jam. 

It's a gloomy Monday in Tennessee, but I can't help but feel all things sunshine while looking through our beach house rental pictures. Just dreaming away! Speaking of dreaming...
All I can say is, I'm daydreaming of palm print. EVERYTHING.

Happy Monday y'all!

xo Brittany 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

dressed in blue

Hi everyone, I hope your Thursday is going well. I've been hanging low lately. On Saturday I was 100% sure I was coming down with the flu. It turns out it was just a UTI. Thankfully. That wasn't fun AT all, but much better than the flu. I was put on an antibiotic to help, and I'm already feeling like a new woman. 

Every time I turn around my children are digging in the freezer, pulling out popsicles by the minute. It's getting hard to say no to them. I typically end up eating one with them, every single time! 

I realize almost everyone is super ready for fall. Which yeah, I love fall. But not until i get my beach trip in with all things sun, swim, and sand!! Then you can bring on all the Ugg boot, sweater, and legging wearing apparel. 

About our beach trip. My family is going to Rosemary Beach, FL for a week in September. It's going to be the best week. I've started a little bit of online shopping, so much easier than store shopping with dressing room chaos. No thanks!! 

I'll be sharing a few of my favorite beach pieces for the entire family through the month.  Mostly for my own anticipation. 
The beach is my happy place. 

My first awesome find would be these Steve Madden sandals for only 8 dollars. This was in store! The best deal. ever.
love them. 

blue everything.

Beach trip countdown is on, a little over five weeks!

xo Brittany 

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