Wednesday, October 4, 2017

first signs of fall | all dressed up for fun

Hello friends, we are finally starting to experience all the firsts of fall this week. We've spotted our first pumpkins on porches, pretty mums flooding the nursery stands, first leaf piles in yards, and first pumpkin spice coffee for Momma, (Heidi sneaks in a few sips too, if you follow on insta stories you'll see she really loves her some coffee.) We even had one of our first crisp mornings this week, which called for an obvious photo session of the babies dressed so cute. They L O V E going to their grandparents house, and yesterday we surprised my Mom by showing up bright and early on her day off.
We couldn't help but snap some pictures of them playing on the farm
I know these are such sweet memories they are making together. I love my babies.

outfit details 



We plan on visiting our favorite petting zoo + corn maze just down the street within the next few weeks. Stay tuned for all the adorable goat-feeding, pumpkin patch pickin', apple cider tasting pictures to come.

Also, I'll be sharing my favorite go-to crock pot recipes that I really love to take advantage of this time of year. Give me all the yummy comfort food there is! 

XO Brittany 

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